The book highlights the issue with diet talk.
The book highlights the issue with diet talk.
Posters filled with phrases written by the public
Posters filled with phrases written by the public
Leaflets with information about diet culture/the organisation
Leaflets with information about diet culture/the organisation
Tape measure has been created to take attention away from body measurements.
Tape measure has been created to take attention away from body measurements.
The scale has been made to make people think twice about body measurements.
The scale has been made to make people think twice about body measurements.
Stickers have been designed for covering calorie labels.
Stickers have been designed for covering calorie labels.
Pens have been designed for covering calorie labels.
Pens have been designed for covering calorie labels.
The banner highlights how long diet culture has been an issue for.
The banner highlights how long diet culture has been an issue for.
Close ups of the banner details.
Close ups of the banner details.

I set up the pop up event at a gym to reach my target audience. I spoke to the gym members about “Every Body” and educated them on diet culture. Viewers also got the chance to interact and test out items out.

A mock up of the website for the organisation, showing how it would run.

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